My Week IN Books (w/e 14th August 2022) #booklove #bookupdates #inthegarden #MeAndMyBooks

Welcome to my weekly update of books that I have read. It was a definite mixed bag for the book this week, but before I get onto that…

Is it hot enough for you!!! If you are like me and struggling with the heat (thank you very much menopause 😦 ) then you are also hoping that you will be one of the lucky ones to get some rain. Yes, bring on the rain, please. If it does rain, you will probably see me sitting in the middle of the garden in it, unless we get the lightning that is also forecast! Then I might just wait a bit 🙂 I do think that working nightshifts is a slight blessing, but not much as the doors and windows have to be closed apart from the smaller ones.

Green grass seems to be a memory, instead of walking on nice cooling grass, it’s now a case of tiptoeing over crispy, rough and brittle stems. There is the odd green patch, but I don’t want to walk on them as I think they are green due to the dogs watering those areas!!!!

I don’t know how my flowers are still blooming, admittedly the flowers are smaller and they are not lasting as long, but they do have flowers to help the bees and other insects.

The books I read this week were…


The Dark by Sharon Bolton – is a brilliant psychological thriller, and police procedural and I loved it. This is 18/20 in my #20booksofsummer reads. Full review to follow soon.

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Rule, Nostalgia – a backwards history of Britain by Hannah Rose Wood – this is one from my NetGalley shelf and it was a fabulous book to read. It discusses how the nostalgia of the past can be used and manipulated for present times. Different perspectives, opinions and uses give this a very thought-provoking read. Full review to follow soon.

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100 Plants to Feed the Birds by Laura Erickson – this is a fabulous and gorgeous book that was on my NetGalley shelf, I didn’t realise when I requested that it is based on birds in North America, but it didn’t matter. Full of tips, advice, plants and birds of which some can be relevant to the UK. A wonderful book that I have been dipping in and out of over the past couple of weeks. Full review to follow

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Botanic Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Lisa Schneidau, Narrated by Joan Walker – this is a brilliant audiobook to listen to and the narrator is fabulous. A mix of folk tales. some of which I knew, some slightly different to what I thought they were and many that I had not come across before. Ideal for readers young and old. Full review to follow.

There you go, I did say it was a mixed bag this week 🙂

Happy Reading,

Take Care

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post, a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week In Books (w/e 10th April 2022) #booklove #bookupdates #MeAndMyBooks

Hello and welcome to my weekly update of books I have read. This week has been more productive on the reading front. I think that I am starting to feel a bit better after having Covid, but I am still suffering from some of the symptoms. The constant headache has finally subsided, but I still have a cold, my sense of taste and smell have shown no signs of returning as yet and I am still finding I get tired.

I have been pottering around in the garden and started to set some of the flower seeds I have managed to accumulate and the garden is definitely showing signs of waking up. All the trees and shrubs now have either leaf buds or are in leaf and I have noticed quite a few other plants are putting a good growth spurt on.

I am also delighted to see one of my carnivorous plants has a flower on it. THe venus fly traps I have regularly throw up flower stems, but I have been watching the flower on my Purple Pitcher Plant grow and it is much bigger than I thought it would be, I am not sure how much further this will open. It is an interesting and unusual flower though.

Right, let’s get onto the books I have read. I have to say all the books have been brilliant reads 🙂

Welcome to Your Life by Bethany Rutter is a wonderful contemporary fiction and romance novel. Full review as part of the Blog Tour next week.

The Mersey Mothers by Sheila Riley is a brilliant historical fiction and family saga novel set in the 1950s. Full review next week.

A Scottish Highland Surprise by Julie Shackman is a wonderful contemporary romance and fiction story. Full review next week.

A Kinder City by Peter Taylor-Gooby is an addictive dystopian style thriller. Again full review next week.

Black is the Colour by Seamus Connolly is a brilliant crime mystery novel that I adored. Full review in a couple of weeks.

A Taste of Greek Summer by Mandy Baggot should come with a warning about not reading this on an empty stomach! Gorgeous contemporary fiction, romance, holiday and food. Review to follow soon.

Six books this week and I am delighted about that.

All there is for me to say now…

Have a fabulous week ahead and Happy Reading

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post, a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week In Books (w/e 15th Nov) #readingchallenge #bookupdates #MeAndMyBooks

Well this has been an interesting week for me as I have finished my Goodreads Challenge. I completed the 200 books that was my target at the beginning of the year.

To some this will be a big number, to others not so much. While I don’t pressurise myself into having to read a certain amount of books, it is nice to complete a goal. Last year I read just over 230 books and I could have upped my target for this year, but reading is an escape, I enjoy it and I don’t ever want it to become something that I feel I have to do just to hit a target. This is why I like the Goodreads Challenge, it is flexible and it can be changed up or down.

As always, the links included are Amazon Affiliate links and these will earn me a small commission.

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Map’s Edge by David Hair is 400 pages of magic, fantasy, danger and adventure. I loved this book and it is the first time I have read anything by this author. It is the fist book in The Tethered Citadel and I meet a community that lives on the edge of society, misfits, drop outs or those not wanting to be found. They embark on a journey to discover a magical source that will give them a chance for a new start. Not all will make it! Fabulous book that I would definitely recommend.

Amazon UK Link

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Fifty Words for Snow by Nancy Campbell is a non-fiction book of, well the title does say it all really – 5o words for snow. Well, that isn’t all it is at all! This is a gorgeous book that has words from around the world, from different cultures, religions and folklore. Yes snow is involved in all its different forms and the author has created a gorgeous little book that I found extremely addictive. Keep your eye out for the Blog Tour and my full review soon. The hardback copy is a gorgeous book. Get a copy from Amazon UK or other good book shops.

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The Heat by Sean O’Leary is the first of the two novellas I mentioned earlier. This is a story that is in some respects one of not just doing the right thing but also about a journey of self discovery. The main protagonist is like a drifter, he has no real responsibility or roots as he meanders along in life until something happens that means something to him. This is a contemporary fiction read that I found intriguing and my review will be part of the upcoming Blog Tour.

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This is the second novella I read. In the Sweep of the Bay by Cath Barton and it is a wonderful story that is set in Morecombe. It is such a simple story about life and marriage but has been beautifully told. This is a story of falling in love, getting married. Then you fall into the routines of everyday life, this is what happens with Ted and Rene in this very down to earth and gorgeous story. Keep an eye for the Blog Tour and my full review.

Pre-order – Amazon UK

Well there we go folks, all that remains is for me to wish you all a good week ahead.

Take Care

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post, a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week In Books (w/e 8th Nov) #booksread #booklove

I write this just after standing outside for the 2 minutes silence. A very strange Remembrance Sunday as normally I stand in our village square with many, many other people. It was still a sombre feeling but I do so hope that next year things will be back to normal and we can once again show our respects as a village joined together.

This week has been quite bizarre as I have spent a lot of time watching TV waiting for the results of the American election. I don’t do politics on my blog, but I have to say I am very happy at the outcome.

So, let me show you what I have read this week…

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I am a fan of The Crampton of the Chronicle series by Peter Bartram and so I was delighted to recieve a signed copy of his latest book The Beach Party. These books are set in the 60s in Brighton, Colin is a crime reporter who always finds himself in the thick of things. A sleuthing mystery read that has a good deal of tongue in cheek British humour. Keep an eye out for the upcoming Blog Tour.

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I was so happy to get a spot on the Blog Tour for Harpers Heroes by Rosie Clarke. This is part of a series and it is a historical fiction, family saga series. Harpers is an Emporium where employers and employees are like family. The author share the worries, loves, losses and expectations of key characters as the First World War begins. A fabulous story that could be read as a stand alone but works so much better when you read the series.


Sometimes visual imagery works better for some non-fiction books and it is certainly the case for Fragile Planet – The Impact of Climate Change. This is a book that has images on every page with just a small caption explaining what you are seeing. Some images show comparisons from not only years apart, but in some cases months. It is a gorgeous book that really does have an impact, it does sound wrong to say it is a gorgeous book given the subject, but it is. I will write up a review for this soon.

Another week wrapped up, all that is left is for me to wish you a wondeful and safe week ahead.

Happy Reading,

Yvonne 🙂 xx

Many thanks for reading my post, a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week In Books (w/e 6th Sept) #booksread #bookupdates #MeAndMyBooks

Hello and welcome to my weekly update of books that I have read. It has been another week where nothing much has happened. I have ventured into the garden and done some tidying up, the onions are now up and hung in the shed and the caterpillars had a field day with the greens even though they were in a cloche, I managed to save two small savoy cabbages.

So, the books I have read this week are…

(All books contain Amazon affiliate links that earn me a small commission at no cost to you.)

I bought this book when it was first released and decided I fancied reading a few short stories rather than diving into a full length one. Afraid of the Light is an anthology of stories that have a dark theme to them. Whether it is an outwardly criminal action or something far more sinister this anthology has a good mix.

Purchase from Amazon UK – KindlePaperback

This is another book that I bought when it first came out, I do have a physical copy somewhere but I couldn’t find it so bought a kindle version as well!

The One by John Marrs is an amazing read that I absolutely adored. The basic premise that everyone has a DNA connection to their perfect match is such a good idea. But while on the outset it sounds good, what if your match is not what you think. As the story progressed it started to get darker and other interesting ideas came into the story that I had not expected. Fabulous read and I loved it.

Purchase – PaperbackKindleAudio

I am loving this DS Malice crime thriller series. Heads or Tails by Rob Ashman is the latest book and is due out on 16th September. I was fortunate to be sent an advanced copy of this dark, twisted and extremely addictive book. There are on going story lines from previous books that involve the main team so yes ideally it is better to read in order, but you could read as a stand alone. A fabulously addictive, dark read that had me hooked from the very first page.

Pre-order link for Kindle

I seem to have dropped away from Audio books at the moment, I just cant seem to concentrate on them. Hopefully I will get the audio-mojo back soon but luckily I have many other books to keep me occupied.

I really should do a #20booksof summer catch-up post as I have completed the challenge of 20 books. I had originally chose 15 books with 5 lucky dip choices to add to it. I think I have actually added more than 5 lucky dips! I also need to get the last of these reviews posted as well!

Have a great week ahead and Happy Reading

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post,a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week In Books (w/e 30th Aug) #booksread #bookupdates #MeAndMyBooks

How on earth did we get to August Bank Holiday already?!!! Well as I sit here typing this up (its Sunday morning) it is actually quite a nice day, sun is shining, birds are singing the roast is in the oven cooking away and I am wearing fluffy socks because it feels more like autumn than august!

I did a spot of baking this week, nothing unusual for me as I do bake one to two times a week. This particular day was a bit different as my chocolate sponge cake didn’t quite turn out as I expected. I think I may have put baking powder in twice!!!!!

This was what met me as I opened the oven door to put in my fruit cake…

I must admit it was one of those hysterically hilarious moments, me and the dogs did enjoy the cake dribbles. So what to do with a sponge cake… well there is only one thing to do. Raid the cupboard to find a tin of fruit, this turned out to be apricots, go down the garden and pick some raspberries and make a trifle…

So, from could have been a culinary disaster we ended up with a delicious, if somewhat unplanned pudding 🙂

I suppose I should show you what I have read this week. It has been another 3 book week and all three were brilliant reads…

(All links are Amazon Affiliate one. I earn a small commission at no cost to you)

I read Strictly Come Dating by Kathryn Freeman for the upcoming Blog Tour. It’s Kathryn so what is not to love, if you have read any of her books you will know exactly where I am coming from. A fabulous read that I absolutely loved.

This is available from Amazon UK

I thoroughly enjoyed Ravens Gathering by Graeme Cumming. I met Graeme at the Stoke Blogger meet up and then bought this book as I was intrigued. Yes it has taken me almost a year to get to it!!! This is a mystery that took so many different turns and also crossed genres. An atmospheric, dark, creepy and one that had an eeriness lurking in the background. Excellent book and you can get a copy on Kindle or Paperback

Another book that has been on my bookcase for far too long is IQ by Joe Ide. This is the first book in the series and I thought it was a brilliant read. There is a tag line on the front of the book comparing this writer to Arthur Conan Doyle with a twist of Martin Scorcese – it is not wrong. A definite sleuth style mystery that uses the intelligent character of IQ to work though a mystery. Addictive and and excellent and I will be reading more in this series.

Purchase – KindlePaperbackHardbackAudio

Well that’s me done for another week. I hope everyone has a good week ahead. Happy reading. Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post, a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week In Books (w/e 16th Aug) #books #bookreader #bookworm #MeAndMyBooks

Hello and welcome to another weekly round-up. Before I go any further I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone that shared my posts this week, I was busy reorganising bedrooms and trying to get caught up with other stuff. Initially I was going to hop in and out of social media but decided it would actually be more beneficial to take the week off. So for all the shares, the likes and the comments I thank you all very much xx

So, this week has been a little light as far as reading goes and I have only two books this week to show you…

All purchase links below are affiliate and I earn a small commission at no cost to you. Prices correct at time of posting


I think it was last year when I read the Hunting Party and really enjoyed it. I was eager to read The Guest List by Lucy Foley and decided to include it in my #20booksofsummer reading challenge.

If you have read The Hunting Party then you will find the format is in some respects quite similar. A remote location, a crime and, for me, no idea as to who the victim was or the the culprit until much later on in the story. I liked the suspense and drama that the author includes as well as a good plot with characters that are a real mix. Ideal for crime, mystery and suspense readers.

Buy a copy from Amazon – Kindle (only 0.99p) HardbackAudio (on offer £5.33) – Paperback (due to be published 2nd Sept 2020)

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Taking a Chance on Love by Erin Green is a wonderful journey into the lives of three women. With Feb 29th approaching they have something to think about. As much as this is about taking a chance of finding love and lifelong happiness i felt this was more about the women themselves. Don’t get me wrong there is a romantic theme but not one that blew my socks off, but that really didn’t matter as it was the journey of the women that was the thing that caught my interest. A wonderful book that readers of contemporatry fiction and romance will enjoy.

Purchase a copy – KindlePaperback

Well that really was a quick wrap up for the week. I will leave you with a few of the flowers I have picked from the garden this week 🙂

So, that’s me done for another week. Hopefully I will be able to catch up and share all you amazing posts again as I think I am about up to date.

Have a fabulous week ahead and Happy Reading

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post,a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week in Books (w/e 9th August) #booksread #bookupdates #MeAndMyBooks

Hello and welcome to another weekly round up of books I have read this past week. A little later than usual, but better late than never!

I have a busy week ahead and will probably not be around that much to share posts as I usually do, just dropping in and out as I have time. So apologies now 🙂

So a quicker round up than usual for the books that I read or listened to…

All purchase links are Amazon affiliate ones, I earn a small percentage at no cost to you.

I finished listening to This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay. Thiis is the first of his books and it is an amazing listen as he narrates his story. THey are diary entries of things that happened while he was a junior doctor and there are a mix of humerous, sad and heartbreaking ones. An excellent listen and you can get a copy – PaperbackHardbackAudioKindle

This is a new author to me and this is the first book in the Welcome to Thorndale series. The Cottage of New Beginnings by Suzanne Snow is a lovely read and one that I really enjoyed. This is a story, as the title suggests, starting over. It has a gorgeous cover and the story inside is one of getting over a romance, meeting new people and trying to find a sense of balance. It is due to be released on #rd September and you can pre-order copy HERE

Wow what a brilliant start to this series! Killer Instinct by Zoe Sharp is a full-throttled, action-packed read that introduces the fabulous female protagonist, Charlie Fox. There is a lot to this character and I am really looking forward to learning more about her in the further books. You can get copies in – PaperbackHardbackKindle

I own a couple of books by this author and this is the first time I have read one. The Summer Island Swap by Samantha Tonge was a humerous read but also one that was almost like a coming of age for two adult sisters. A holiday destination that is changed at the last minute and a chance to think about the future. A gorgeous read and one that I adored. You can get a copy – KindlePaperbackAudio

Well, that is it for me and I wish you all a wonderful week ahead,

Yvonne xx

My Week In Books (w/e 19th July) #bookupdates #booksread #mygarden #MeAndMyBooks

Hello and welcome to another weekly round up of books ‘n’ stuff. It is a glorious day today (9:30 am Sunday morning) I’ve been down the garden already and picked peas, runner beans, potatoes and rhubarb for our Sunday roast, I think I have also eaten my breakfast as well, the odd radish, hand full of peas, a few raspberries and the last few gooseberries and I feel quite full 😋😋

So what have I read this week? I was quite surprised when I had a look back…

This is a brilliant book for those, like me who are menopausal or are at the early stages or are peri -menopausal. Older and Wider by Jenny Eclair is an absolute howl of a read and had me laughing and sniggering as I recognised a whole lot of signs and symptoms. It has her comedic style and is so accessible and it is also packed full of tips, advice and very useful information. I think this book worked so well because it is not full of jargon, but good to honest experiences.

OMG! OMG! this is fluffing brilliant and it is the third in the series and it just gets better and better. The Curator by M.W. Craven is fictional deviousness at its very best. Dark disturbing, devious and damned good reading. If you are a crime, thriller reader and you haven’t yet started this series… well shame on you! Yeah I liked this a huge amount and can’t wait for the next one.

This is another series I am thoroughly enjoying and The Moscow Whisper by Michael Jenkins is the third in the Sean Richardson series. A brilliant mix of espionage, deception, lies, secrets and a whole lot more. It is a brilliant fast-paced read and full of action. Brilliant read and keep your eye out for my review as part of the Blog Tour.

I borrowed this from my library via the Borrow box app and it was such a brilliant book to listen to. Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas by Adam Kay is a book I have had on my kindle for ages but not quite got to so when I was browsing the library app I thought I would give it a listen. Adam narrates this and this means he adds more to it as it his experiences he is discussing. Do be warned that there is quite a few swear words so you may wnat to listen through headphones or well away from little ears! An excellent listen and one that had me chuckling, at others not so much due to the nature of the the tale being told. I will mention that there is a warning for one of the stories as it is very sad, and it advises skipping if necessary, ( I started to listen to it and decided to then did skip it). Well worth a listen and one I would recommend.

I really enjoyed the idea behind Wife Support System by Kathleen Whyman and I am so glad I signed up to the Blog Tour for it. Three women who move into one house together so they can share the load of childcare, cleaning and cooking sounds amazing and initially it is. The story is a wonderful one of women who have different roles, jobs, partners and expectations, I really liked the interaction and dynamics between them. Keep an eye out for my review.

Why oh why didn’t I read The City of Brass by S.A Chakraborty when I first bought it! It is a fabulous fantasy, action and adventure read. I devoured its 544 pages in two sittings and absolutely loved this first book in The Daevbad Trilogy and now have the next two books sitting in my basket ready to check out. A brilliantly captivating read that has a Middle Eastern magical feel to it. Completely transporting me across desserts with ancient warriors, healers, and a mass of other things as well. Brilliant read and one I would definitely recommend.

Well that’s me done for another week and I am back to work (Monday night-shift), I’ve loved being off and home for two weeks and would have liked it if I could stay off longer… roll on retirement or a winning lottery ticket with lots of 000,000’s 😉😁

Wishing you all a great week ahead, Happy Reading

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post, a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

My Week In Books (w/e 5th July) #booknews #bookupdates #mygarden #MeAndMyBooks

Hello and welcome to my weekly reading round up, and also the first post of July. It has been another week where the weather has been dictating what I can do, showers have been frequent and so has the humidity. The good thing about this is that the garden has been growing away madly, the downside is that so have the weeds!!!

Back in May we cleared part of the garden for a grass area where I geese used to live. Along with a few shrubs and trees it didn’t look inviting, but I could imagine what it would eventually look like. I am pleased to see the grass growing and all the transplanting seems to have taken.

What a difference a few weeks make, the first picture was taken on 29th May, the second today 5th July. The grass has had its first proper cut a couple of days ago and will need over-seeding in places, especially where the sparrows had their dust baths!

The veg garden and flower border are in full flow at the moment and it seems that every day there is more growth and therefore more to eat or look at!

Now for the books I have read this week…

All purchase links below are Amazon links and are affiliate links.

What a gorgeous read The Village Shop for Lonely Hearts by Alison Sherlock was. Amber was just supposed to be stopping over in the village of Cranbridge, she wasn’t supposed to be staying long, helping out as long as she did or the various other things that happened along the way. A wonderful read with a touch of drama, a smattering of romance and a tractor. Keep an eye out for my review as part of the Blog tour.

Pre-order your copy HERE.

A crime thriller read was next with The One Who Got Away by L. A. Detwiler that was quite dark as I followed the worries of an elderly lady who recently moved into a home. The worries and concerns are brushed off as part of her dementia, or the mutterings of an old lady, but Adeline knows she is not wrong about some things. I did enjoy this book though at times I did feel it was a little slow or maybe that I was too impatient to discover more. This is another book 7 in the #20booksofsummer reading challenge.

Purchase HERE

Sunshine and Second Chances by Kim Nash is another wonderfully brilliant read by this author. If you have read her two previous books then you will already love her writing and you won’t be disappointed with this one. Four women catching up on holiday after many years of not seeing each other sees a few home truths and realisations come to the forefront of conversations. A superb read that I read in one sitting and loved as did my Mum, we are both agreed that Kim is an author we both love and will both immediately buy any of her books.

Purchase HERE

I am loving the Alex Cohen series and Midtown Huckster by Leopold Bortinski is the 3rd book in the series. Set in the US at the time of gangsters, prohibition, racketeering and corruption it focuses on Alex. He is the leader of Murder Corporation, a small group who work for the various crime bosses eliminating problem people. With prohibition coming to an end and Hoovers Federal Bureau investigating the bosses things are looking bad for Alex. A brilliant read and keep an eye out for my review as part of the Blog Tour soon.

Pre-order HERE

Well that is me done for another week. I was checking out some of the numbers this week and I have the following –

Goodreads Challenge = 132 books read so far out of 200 for the year, 31 ahead of schedule.

NetGalley = reached my 200 reviews and earned another badge, and also 96% feedback ratio

Amazon = I am in the Top 50 of reviewers which I am still in shock about.

Blog = has just over 800 followers and since I started in feb 2017 I have published 825 posts.

Twitter = still amazes me and I have just over 5,400 followers.

Billy & Buster had a new toy this week, needless to say, they loved it 🙂

So that leaves me to wish you all a wonderful week ahead,

Happy Reading

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post, a like or share would be amazing 🙂 xx