My Week In Books (Christmas & New Year Reads) #booklove #bookblogger

Hellooo and welcome. My last blog post was 23rd of December and I decided to take Christmas & New Year off from Social Media as much as I could. As much as I love blogging and keeping up to date with all of your literary journeys, I needed some downtime or screen-free time. So now to catch up with all you good folk and hope you all had a Good Christmas and New Year. I almost want to call it An Alternative Christmas as it was definitely a lot different for some, not so much for me and Him. Rather than dwell on what has passed, let us look forward to the year ahead.

Before I do that though, here’s a round up of the books I read over the my festive social media break… Oh I have realised that my last Weekly “My Week In Books” post was actually 8th December 2020! So here is what I have read since then.

So these 10 books take me up to the end of 2020. This is now the ideal time to update you on my Goodreads final tally…

So a new year sees’ the start of a new Goodreads Challenge. Again I have set it for 200 as this for me is an achievable target over the year. Well, that is unless more like the series Bridgerton arrives on Netflix…

It is a great period drama, erm it has fine acting and some good costumes… who am I kidding it’s a brilliant bodice-ripping drama and I loved it! Only one problem IT WAS TOO SHORT A SERIES!!!!

Deep breath and compose…

I have read a couple of books this year already, I do admit one was a carry over from last year 🙂

I have also been watching an older TV series Steven King’s The Stand ( King appears in this film as well). I have the DVD and it has been years since I last watched it. While this may seem a little random to mention, I do it because there is a new adaption of The Stand. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the original made in 1978, i can remember hiring a VHS of this film lol!

I am looking forward to the new adaption and here, as with all King’s films there are lovers and haters, they always seems to divide opinion, but it is very much a case of each to their own!

Well this line up works for me 😉😁 I just have to wait until we can watch it here.

So, this is me done for now. Started with a look back and now with my eye towards the future!

I wish you all a great week ahead.

Take Care,

Yvonne xx

Many thanks for reading my post, alike or share would be amazing 🙂 xx

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